That Walk Down My College

on Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3rd December, 20100730 hoursTemperature: many degrees below normalOn this day, at that time and temperature, my ritualistic walk down the Jose de San Martin Marg was made a bit different. Mist was thin, not as blinding as it is at present. Breathing...

An Engagement- Mills & Boon Style!

on Wednesday, December 22, 2010

(It happened in Delhi, roughly a year ago. Part fiction, part reality)PART IShe waited anxiously for the clock to strike twelve. "Today, I will reserve him for myself"- she thought to herself. She ran her fingers over the smooth, lustrous surface...

A Little Guzaarish

on Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's after ages I have gotten back to writing. I kept my habit of scribbling diary daily, but my computer broke down around a month back, and so, I was bereft of even the sight of my blog. I missed it. Even if I don't write pretty, at least the...


on Saturday, October 2, 2010

My flair for writing is profoundly known to any and every person who is a part of the world which I inhabit. There are a few, who feel my strong affinity towards penning down my thoughts, trivial or consequential, is nothing but a madness- the sort...


on Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is no reason why I should be blogging at this point of time. I am dead tired. My eyes are not just heavy, they are almost shut. My back is aching bad. My bones are creaking. BUT, I can't help it. A few minutes back in my mail, I recieved the...

Five Must Reads!

on Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am no connoisseur of literature. I am just an hapless addict, who is forever beguiled by the rich, commanding, resplendent world that books (novels in particular) offer. My own cute way of referring to the books is not to call them 'my best friends',...

The Immortals of Meluha- A Review

on Sunday, September 12, 2010

Who is God? It is not often that I ponder over a question like this. It was especially not until I lay my hands on this one-of-its kind book, called The Immortals of Meluha, authored by Amish. A book that borrows heavily from the royal pages of...


on Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's after long that I have gotten down to blogging. The reason for that, simply, have been the rains. I have already published blogs about rains, and still, the most prominent source of inspiration as far as writing is concerned , has only been...

My Happiness Pill

on Sunday, August 1, 2010

It was one of those days again. Exactly one of those days. Grey days. Blue days. Whatever they are called. Days, when i ask myself too many questions. Or may be one single question. I let the question(s) take root in my mind, become a part of my...

The Last First Day....

on Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It is happening....It had to happen, but, now, it really is happening.My last year in college has finally begun. Today was my first day in college. The campus, which till only yesterday was deserted, quiet, and so-not-like-JMC today was teeming...

A Table For Two...

on Sunday, July 18, 2010

He said:And the thought crosses my mindIf I never wake up in the morningWould she ever doubt the way I feelAbout her in my heartIf tomorrow never comesWill she know how much I loved herDid I try in every wayTo show her every dayThat she's my only...

Strange....but real...surreal...

on Thursday, July 15, 2010

Strange things happen to us in life. We do strange things in life. I did a very strange thing once in life. I have done many strange things in life, but this one was outrageously strange. Though I did it in words, and not on paper, it was strange...

'Tis The Season....

on Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Delhi has never been more beautiful. Not in my immediate memory at least. It is raining, and raining real heavy. The roads are wet, washed clean. The trees are dripping, with the green of their leaves accentuated and absolutely pleasing to the eyes....