That Walk Down My College

on Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3rd December, 20100730 hoursTemperature: many degrees below normalOn this day, at that time and temperature, my ritualistic walk down the Jose de San Martin Marg was made a bit different. Mist was thin, not as blinding as it is at present. Breathing...

An Engagement- Mills & Boon Style!

on Wednesday, December 22, 2010

(It happened in Delhi, roughly a year ago. Part fiction, part reality)PART IShe waited anxiously for the clock to strike twelve. "Today, I will reserve him for myself"- she thought to herself. She ran her fingers over the smooth, lustrous surface...

A Little Guzaarish

on Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's after ages I have gotten back to writing. I kept my habit of scribbling diary daily, but my computer broke down around a month back, and so, I was bereft of even the sight of my blog. I missed it. Even if I don't write pretty, at least the...