I Miss You, Uncle Pai

on Friday, September 16, 2011

We do miss you.The Google doodle today, i.e. 17th September, bears an imprint of perhaps the most intrinsic part of my childhood. I have no memory when I got introduced to Tinkle comics, I just know I used to have a huge collection of them; every...


on Wednesday, September 14, 2011

 It all began with this photograph. Madhuri Dixit in a Marylin Monroe avataar. I first saw this photograph some years back. I was amused for a while, and then fell in love with it. Today morning, I came across it again. It lent me warmth, and...

What An Honor!

on Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I was red in my face, but my heart was galloping. That feeling is best experienced. Back in college to see the society I nearly built in my last two years embark on another year long journey of activities, I had imagined I would be ridden with nostalgia...

Enlightenment- Beyond The Ramayana and The Mahabharata

on Monday, September 5, 2011

उपमा कालीदासस्य भरवेः अर्थगौरवंदण्डिनः पदलालित्यं माघे सन्ति त्रयो गुणाः From this Shloka (श्लोक) begins my much looked forward to journey in the resplendent world of Samskrit Literature. Aah! Pleasures galore.Not since today, but since forever,...